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  • Writer's pictureglutenfreebykathleen

Always in the mood for pizza

The other morning, my boyfriend wanted a "country breakfast" consisting of eggs, breakfast sausage, and pancakes. He wasn't a huge fan of my gluten-free pancakes so I decided to use the eggs and sausage from his breakfast to make my own breakfast pizza. I really don't know why I haven't made breakfast pizza earlier since I'm always in the mood for pizza! This will definitely go into my #breakfastbykathleen rotation!

Breakfast Pizza


- Frozen cauliflower pizza crust (I used Caulipower Pizza Crust.. so good!)

- 1 tablespoon pesto (I prefer homemade pesto but always keep a jar in my fridge in case I don't have basil handy)

- 3 eggs scrambled seasoned with salt and pepper

- 1/3 cup of sauteed white onion and red bell pepper seasoned with salt and pepper

- 3 pork sausage patties (cook according to package instructions) cut into bit sized pieces

- 2 tablespoons of shredded Parmesan

- 1/2 avocado diced

- Lime wedge

- Balsamic glaze (you can make this yourself but I like to buy it premade from the grocery store)


1. Preheat oven according to pizza crust instructions.

2. Spread pesto evenly on the crust.

3. Top with eggs, veggies, sausage, and Parmesan.

4. Bake according to instructions.

5. Add lime juice to diced avocado.

6. Remove pizza from oven, lightly drizzle balsamic glaze on the top.

7. Add avocado to the middle of the pizza.

8. Slice and serve.

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